General Secretary Message

Education is not merely gathering information and passing examinations, it is not only about books, results, degrees, and careers. A person who is exposed only to this is literate but not educated.

Literacy will enable children to amass wealth and reach an enviable standard of living but this is the first step on the road to ethical and spiritual destruction. It is the cause of all the malaise of modern society. As educators and parents we have to guide the children and lead by example.

The teachers are instructed to find opportunities in class to talk on Honesty & Integrity, Compassion and Diligence, Respect and Gratitude, among other qualities. Also to have informal talks and share good Karma experience—what good deed did I do yesterday?

Encourage the children to work with dedication and honesty for their own self-respect and reputation. Respect for all humans regardless of caste, creed, colour and class has to be instilled.

As parents and teachers, we have a long journey ahead……….

Mr. Jagdeep Bhargava
General Secretary